Many people get frustrated in having a dead blog or website that have little or no traffic flow on their blog/websites which everybody asked this question.
“How can I make my blog or website to appear first on google search engine?”
My answer is: There in nothing to hide in it, no secret and no scam, but these 5 tips and your hard works bring your blog/website to the top of google search engine. here are five best tips you can use to move your blog to the top of google search…
1. Provide high featured content on your site/blog. Google tries to find the best answer for
our users’ requests; if you write the best material, you’re in the game. Use
the Search
Analytics report to
see which queries lead to your pages, and what the click-through rate is for
links to your site.
2. Brand your site to mobile
friendly. Most users search on mobile devices; our
search results favor pages that we think reply the user’s request best with the
best possible user experience on their platform.
3. Use informative titles and snippets. Good, clear titles and accurate meta tag
descriptions help us understand the purpose of a page and generate useful
snippets in our search results. Learn
4. Add structured data to enable additional search result
features such as stars, event information, or site search boxes, which add
to the user experience, making your site more valuable to readers. Read more about
structured data or use
our tools.
5. Ensure you follow our rules for good sites and avoid pitfalls that
could disturb your search ratings
With all this analysis and tips given below, I ensure you that
you will be able to find you blog/websites at the top of google search engine
I will also like to hear your opinion, over search engine
optimization because INFO-TECH
cares for all of our users, and readers and we would also welcome your comment