Friday, 20 October 2017

How to hack a Facebook account online?

Image result for hack facebook online

Hackers Facebook / Facebook Hackers are one of the most popular hot topics on the Internet, like Gmail hackers. We have prepared a detailed list of how hackers in a few minutes easily hijack someone's Facebook account, how can we prevent this situation? For your information, this is more than 4000 words of the article, there are a lot of useful information, so most people can not read the full article. We have downloaded all of the following technical PDFs for offline downloads, so you can store them on your phone or computer anytime, anywhere.

As FB white hat hackers, I often get the following questions from people:

Is there an online Facebook cracker?
Where can I get FB hacker software?
Is there a free Facebook password finder?
How can i easily hijack someone's Facebook account?

As far as I know, there is no such tool. You will not be able to find it anywhere. However, if you use Google, you will find that many sites claim that they provide free hacking tools online or offline, but you can not download the password file in the case of a completed survey. Even after an annoying completion of the investigation process, you have nothing to get. These things are just for making money. Do not waste your valuable time searching for such hacking tools.

If you want to know how hackers hijack someone's Facebook account, please read the techniques listed below. The most successful of all these techniques is PHISHING. Phishing allows users to easily steal Facebook account passwords in just a few minutes.

Check out this fishing guide to learn more about PHISHING!

Some of the techniques listed below do not apply to FBs, but to all everyday Internet sites such as Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and so on.

BEWARE!!! :- ATM malware is being sold on Dark Web market

ATM malware

ATM malware is available for sales on Dark site market which can  drain available cash on the ATM machine.

In May 2011, Kaspersky Security researchers noted that a forum was advertised with ATM (ATM) malware for specific vendor ATMs.

Since May 2017, malware has been sold on the AlphaBay Dark Web market, but since mid-July the US authorities have canceled AlphaBay, their administrators have started a new standalone site.

At the time of the study, the cost of the kit was $ 5,000. The AlphaBay description covers details such as required tools, targeted ATMs vendors, and tips and tricks for malware operations.

sources :

ALERT!: 25% of the Federal Government Mails are Fraud.

The research shows a study released Thursday by architect Agari.

Agari represents more than 400 federal websites, including the Ministry of Health and Human Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Census Bureau and the Senate's real website, to support e-mail fraud.

Although the e-mail lists a word that is "from", the e-mail order does not verify that the message is actually sent to the address listed in the "of" field.

There are updated rules that can automatically verify e-mail, called DMARC. The order will double check whether the listed sender sends a communication, allowing the forged e-mail to be destroyed or sent to spam. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) this week issued a directive that requires all federal agencies to complete DMARC.

In the case of
Agari and other providers can process DMARC and Agari according to DMARC-certified statistics.

Of the 335 million government e-miles studied by Agari, more than 85 million were fake.

Agari records that only 18% of federal domains have DMARC. Also, more than half of them will not take the DMARC's choice, ask the email provider to delete the fraudulent e-mail or publish it to the spam folder.

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